
  • Feylani Puja Antara Universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Riane Johnly Pio Universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Ventje Tatimu Universitas Sam Ratulangi



Reward, Punishment, Performance


Rewards and punishment in a company can shape the characteristics of an employee to be even better. There are several factors that can influence employee performance, namely lack of appreciation and lack of certainty about the requirements to become an employee in a company. As well as a lack of motivation within an employee. When rewards and punishment in a company are balanced, a company will have employees whose productivity is stable and better. This research aims to determine, test and analyze: The influence of reward and punishment on employee performance at PT BRI Bitung Branch with the hypothesis that reward influences employee performance; Punishment affects employee performance; and Reward and Punishment influence employee performance. The research method used is a quantitative method. The research was conducted at PT BRI Bitung Branch on 60 respondents as samples using a sampling technique, namely saturated sampling. Using data analysis techniques, namely: Correlation Coefficient; Regression analysis by testing the research hypothesis, namely: rewards partially influence employee performance; Partially, Punishment has an effect on Employee Performance; and simultaneously Reward and Punishment influence employee performance.


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How to Cite

Puja Antara, F., Pio, R. J., & Tatimu, V. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF REWARD AND PUNISHMENT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN BRI CABANG BITUNG. Productivity, 5(1), 820–825.


