Utilization of Tiktok Application as Digital Marketing Promotion at Curabeauty Manado
Tiktok Application, Digital Marketing, PromotionAbstract
Curabeauty is a store that sells various beauty products such as makeup, skincare, and bodycare located in the city of Manado, so that consumers, especially those who live in the city of Manado, do not need to take long to get the beauty products they want. Curabeauty uses various ways in promoting their products. One of them is by utilizing TikTok social media as a promotional tool. Through TikTok, selling goods is also easier because it can show the form of merchandise clearly accompanied by filter and music effects that make promotional videos look more attractive and not boring. This type of research uses qualitative research by choosing Curabeauty stores as research objects, especially on their tiktok accounts. Data collected through interviews with informants as well as observation and documentation. The results of this study show quite good results in the use of the TikTok application as a digital marketing promotion at Curabeauty Manado.
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