Apriani Sulu Parubak


Daun Akway (Drimys beccariana.Gibbs) merupakan tanaman khas yang sangat berpotensi untuk dikembangkansebagai tanaman obat. Hal ini disebabkan karena komponen kimia yang terkandung dalam daun Akway sangatkuat antara lain alkaloid, flavonoid, steroid, tannin, saponin dan fenolik menunjukkan positif lemahHasil yang diperoleh dari penentuan kadar senyawa aktif flavonoid 0,3680%. Hasil fraksinasi dari ekstrak etilasetat diperoleh 4 fraksi, fraksi 1 dan 2 positif mengandung flavonoid. Berdasarkan hasil UV-Vis maka dapatdisimpulkan bahwa daun Akway mengandung senyawa flavonoid golongan flavonon yang mempunyai gugusfungsi OH terikat, CH alifatik, C=O, C=C Aromatik, C-O dan C- H aromatik.Pengujian dari ekstrak etil asetatpada fraksi 1 dan 2 menunjukkan bahwa mempunyai potensi sebagai senyawa antibakteri. Dari uji aktivitasantibakteri mempunyai daya hambat sedang sampai kuat terhadap Escherecia Coli (bakteri gram negatif) danBacillus subtilis (bakteri gram positif). Daun Akway mempunyai senyawa yang bersifat bakteriostatik(menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri).

Hydroxy Terminated Polybutadiene (HTPB) is a strategic chemicals as raw material for a good propellant binderMastery of production techniques HTPB effort is needed in national rocketry industry. HTPB is mainlydetermined by the characteristics of the polymer structure is formed, the degree of crystallinity, and the averagesmolecular weight. Thorough analysis of the components of the manufacturing process in order to manufactureHTPB which is required before selecting the best and most suitable proccess. Parameters used to select thepolymerization process is the ease of process, conversion results obtained, a structure that allows the set, theoperating conditions of the most inexpensive and easy, and availability of raw material components. Thus, thedesired polymer structure can be adapted to the conditions that must be applied. Based on the review, then theradical polymerization is the most interesting was applied. In addition to the polymer structure can be regulated,low-cost process conditions, and availability of raw materials in Indonesia is high.

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