Bertha Mangallo, Susilowati ., Siti Irma Wati


This research aims to determine the effectiveness of activated charcoal the bark leather as an adsorbent in
purifying used cooking oil. The research methods include the manufacture of activated charcoal from leather
bark, analysis of quality activated charcoal bark leather, refining of used cooking oil, quality analysis of cooking oil
results of purification. In this study observed several variables that will affect the adsorption process is the weight
ratio of activated charcoal with used cooking oil, the effect of temperature and time adsorption used cooking oil
with the adsorbent bark leather. Bark leather adsorbent surface characteristics were analyzed with SEM. The
results of the analysis of activated charcoal bark leather is yield 66.35%, 10% moisture content and ash content
of 20%. The purification process used cooking oil by activated charcoal bark leather is affected by temperature
and contact time adsorbent with the cooking oil. The higher temperature adsorption, cooking oil quality obtained
the better, which is characterized by a decrease in water content, free fatty acid value, peroxide number and
decrease in turbidity. Effectiveness purification of used cooking oil with activated charcoal adsorbent bark leather,
is achieved at a temperature of 100 °C and a contact time of 80 minutes, with the quality is 0.15% water content,
acid number 0.64%, and 5.06 NTU turbidity value.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas arang aktif kulit salak sebagai adsorben pada pemurnian
minyak goreng bekas. Metode penelitian ini meliputi pembuatan arang aktif dari kulit salak, analisis kualitas
arang aktif kulit salak, pemurnian minyak goreng bekas, analisis kualitas minyak goreng hasil pemurnian. Dalam
penelitian ini akan diamati beberapa variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap proses adsorpsi yaitu perbandingan
berat arang aktif dengan minyak goreng bekas, pengaruh temperatur dan waktu adsorpsi minyak goreng bekas
oleh adsorben kulit salak. Karakteristik permukaan adsorben kulit salak dianalisis dengan SEM. Hasil analisis
terhadap arang aktif kulit salak menunjukkan rendamen 66,35%, kadar air 10% dan kadar abu 20%. Proses
pemurnian minyak goreng bekas oleh arang aktif kulit salak dipengaruhi oleh temperatur dan waktu kontak
minyak goreng dengan adsorben. Semakin tinggi temperatur adsorpsi, kualitas minyak goreng yang diperoleh
semakin baik, yang ditandai oleh penurunan kadar air, penurunan bilangan asam lemak bebas, penurunan
bilangan peroksida dan penurunan angka kekeruhan. Efektivitas pemurnian minyak goreng bekas dengan adsorben arang aktif kulit salak, tercapai pada temperatur 100 oC dan waktu kontak 80 menit, dengan kualitas minyak dengan kadar air 0,1528%, bilangan asam 0,64%, dan nilai kekeruhan 5,06 NTU.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35799/cp.7.2.2014.7468


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