Author Guidelines
Jurnal Bios Logos is a periodical journal published 3 times a year (March, July and November) and contains various articles / manuscripts in the form of research results, literature reviews, case reports and short communications in the field of biology.
Jurnal Bios Logos only accepts original manuscripts and has never been published in any journal that has an ISSN or ISBN.
Manuscripts can be written in English.
Manuscripts must be written in the form of articles, not reports and presented following the principles of good English grammar.
The lead author must ensure that all co-authors have read and approved the submitted manuscript.
Selection of manuscripts published in Jurnal Bios Logos is using the Bestari Partner system. All manuscripts received will be discussed by experts in related fields of science (Mitra Bestari) and the editorial board.
Manuscripts that require improvement in format or substance will be returned to the author for correction.
Research manuscripts sent to Jurnal Bios Logos must have met ethical feasibility and research using humans as subjects must have obtained signed informed consent.
Manuscript submission is done through the Open Journal System (OJS).
Authors must register as authors at this link; before they can log in to the Jurnal Bios Logos, to submit and upload manuscripts.
Manuscripts will be published in the Journal after being reviewed by peer reviewers.
The editorial staff has the right to edit the manuscript without making any changes to its content.
The authors of the manuscript are responsible for the content of the published manuscript.
Jurnal Bios Logos will notify authors of any unpublished manuscripts.
Manuscripts and illustrations submitted are legally the property of the publisher and may not be published in other media without formal permission from the publisher.
The support of journal authors is expected by using references from published Jurnal Bios Logos.
All forms of communication must be electronic and Journal OJS based.
Writing templates can be downloaded on the Jurnal Bios Logos website:
The title, author's name is written in full without title, along with the author's affiliation institution and author's email for correspondence.
The title of the manuscript is written briefly and clearly in English.
The title should be no more than 18 words, describing the entire content of the writing, letters typed in Times New Roman font type 12 bold (the title of the English abstract should also be no more than 18 words).
Abstract and keywords
The abstract is written in English in one paragraph in a concise and clear manner, allowing the reader to understand the important new aspects without having to read the entire manuscript.
Written in Times New Roman font italic typeface 10 pt.
The abstract contains background, objectives, methods, results and conclusions, ranging from 150-200 words.
Keywords are written below the abstract by selecting 4-5 words, separated by semicolons (;).
Manuscripts are written using the Microsoft Word program and presented in a one-column text format.
Manuscripts are typed in Times New Roman 12 font on single-spaced A4 paper (210 x 297 mm) with 4 cm left margin, 3 cm right margin, 3 cm bottom margin, and 3 cm top margin.
Manuscripts range from 2000-3000 words
Images should be in JPEG format and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch), tables should be included in the body of the text and not as attachments
Figures and tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals, and the table title and brief information about the table written in Times New Roman font size 10 bold with single spacing.
The introduction consists of about 400-500 words, including the background, research gap, novelty of the study, avoiding a detailed literature survey or summary of results. Indicate the purpose of the study in the last paragraph.
In citing other people's opinions, the author's name and year system is used. For example Morgan (2021); Munns et al. (2020) at the beginning of the sentence and (Raymond and Smirnoff, 2020) at the end.
In the introduction there are no figures and tables, use literature or literature citations of at least 5 literature published in the last 10 years.
Articles are typed using the Microsoft Word program with Times New Roman12 pt font, 1 space, printed on A4 size paper (margin size: left 4 cm, top 3 cm, right 3 cm, bottom 3 cm), the entire article manuscript ranges from 2000-3000 words, including tables, figures and bibliography.
For research articles, research designs and methods are written concisely and clearly.
If the method (including statistical analysis) used is new or not yet commonly used, it is written in full along with the bibliography.
Articles resulting from research or cases can contain tables and figures. Each table and figure is given a number and short title according to the order of mention in the text. Images should be professionally created with sharp color prints.
If the image is obtained from another source/person or is an illustration that has already been published, it must be included in the description.
Table and figure descriptions, including the meaning of non-standard abbreviations and symbols, are written in the caption below the table or figure in question.
The discussion contains new results and discoveries that are highlighted, whether they are in accordance with, strengthen or refute previous discoveries, theories and opinions.
A thorough discussion is a cause and effect that primarily explains why and how the research results occurred, and does not just restate the results mentioned in sentence form, do not repeat them.
The discussion is accompanied by literature quoted from at least 10 articles with publication years in the last 10 years.
If there is a table, the table title is typed with lowercase letters for each word with the exception of the first word and according to the rules of the language used, the position of the table is below the table title. The contents of the table should be typed in Time new Roman 10 Pt and one space
Summing up the main results of the research. It is best to write it in paragraph form and not point by point.
Conclusions are not merely statistical conclusions, but rather interpretations after being linked to the background and objectives of the research.
Statements in the conclusion must be critical, concrete, and have a single meaning; neither vague nor mysterious.
If you include suggestions, this section should form development material for further research.
Expressions of thanks (if any) are limited to professionals and parties who have helped prepare the manuscript, including technical support, funds and facilities from an agency
Number of bibliography Minimum 15 pieces of literature and arranged alphabetically, not by number
All references referred to in the text of the article must be listed in the Bibliography section and vice versa those in the bibliography must be in the article
The bibliography must contain reference libraries originating from primary sources (scientific journals and amounting to a minimum of 80% of the entire bibliography) published in the last 10 (ten) years
Writing a bibliography should use a reference management application such as Mendeley, End Note, Zotero, or others. The writing format used in the Bios Logos Journal is in accordance with the APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association) format.
References from the scientific article:
Bekker, J. G., Craig, I. K., & Pistorius, P. C. (1999). Modeling and Simulation of Arc Furnace Process. ISIJ International, 39(1), 23–32.
Siregar, E. H., Atmowidi, T., & Kahono, S. (2016). Diversity and abundance of insect pollinators in different agricultural lands in Jambi, Sumatera. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 23(1), 13-17.
References from the form of book titles:
Fridman, A. (2008). Plasma Chemistry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Proctor, M., Yeo, P., & Lack, A. (1996). The natural history of pollination. HarperCollins Publishers
References from the form of Seminar Proceedings:
Roeva, O. (2012). Real-World Applications of Genetic Algorithm. In International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (pp. 25–30). Semarang, Indonesia: Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University.
References from dissertation/thesis/thesis:
Istadi, I. (2006). Development of A Hybrid Artificial Neural Network – Genetic Algorithm for Modelling and Optimization of Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Plasma Reactor. PhD Thesis. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
References from patent:
Primack, H.S. (1983). Method of Stabilizing Polyvalent Metal Solutions. US Patent No. 4,373,104
References from HandBook:
Hovmand, S. (1995). Fluidized Bed Drying. In Mujumdar, A.S. (Ed.) Handbook of Industrial Drying (pp.195-248). 2nd Ed. New York: Marcel Dekker.
References from internet
Acevedo E, Silva P, Silva, H (2002) Wheat growth and physiology. Dalam: Curtis BC, Rajaram S, Macpherson HG (eds) Bread wheat. Improvement and production. FAO. Rome. Diakses pada 28 Juni 2005.
Literature in the form of personal communications can be used if the source is an expert in a related field.
Template Article :
Instructions for Submitting Manuscripts Online with the following steps:
Send manuscripts as best as possible using the Online Submission System on the Unsrat E-Journal portal (
First, the author registers as an author and/or reviewer (checking the role as author and/or reviewer) in the "Register" section or address: ( register)
After the Author logs in as Author, click on "New Submission". The article submission stage consists of 5 stages, namely: (1). Start, (2). Upload Submission, (3). Enter Metadata, (4). Upload Supplementary Files, (5). Confirmation
In the Start section, select Journal Section (Full Article), check all the checklists.
In the Upload Submission section, please upload the article manuscript file in MS Word in this section.
In the Enter Metadata section, enter data for all authors and their affiliates, followed by the title and abstract, and indexing keywords.
In the Upload Supplementary Files section, it is permissible to upload supporting data files or cover letters or other documents.
In the Confirmation section, please click "Finish Submission" if all the data is correct.