Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Penghambatan Enzim α-amilase dari Ekstrak dan Fraksi Pelepah Aren (Arenga pinnata Merr.) serta Potensinya sebagai Nanoemulsi


  • Azizah Wulandari Universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Edi Suryanto
  • Henry Fonda Aritonang





 Research has been carried out on the antioxidant activity and inhibition of the α-amylase enzyme extract and fractions of sugar palm fronds and their potential as nanoemulsions. The research stages include preparation, extraction, fractionation, determination of total phenolic content, flavonoids, condensed tannins, scavenging activity of DPPH free radicals and ABTS cation radicals, inhibition of the α-amylase enzyme, nanoemulsion formulation and nanoemulsion characterization. The yield of the resulting extract was 5.46% with the highest fractionation yield in the water fraction (FA) (34.71%) and the lowest in the n-hexane (FNH) fraction (3.50%). The ethyl acetate (FEA) fraction has total phenolic content (176.91 µg/mL), flavonoid content (17.64 µg/mL) and condensed tannin (7.34 µg/mL), DPPH free radical scavenging activity (90 .55%), ABTS cation radicals (99.15%), as well as inhibition of the α-amylase enzyme (84.77%) with the highest value. Formulation 1 has the smallest nanoemulsion size, namely 13.58 nm with a polydispersity index of 0.017. The conclusion of this research is that palm frond extracts and fractions have antioxidant activity and inhibition of the ????-amylase enzyme and have potential as nanoemulsions.

Keywords: Sugar palm fronds, antioxidants, ????-amylase enzyme, nanoemulsion



 Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang aktivitas antioksidan dan penghambatan enzim α-amilase ekstrak dan fraksi pelepah aren serta potensinya sebagai nanoemulsi. Tahapan penelitian meliputi preparasi, ekstraksi, fraksinasi, penentuan kandungan total fenolik, flavonoid, tanin terkondensasi, aktivitas penangkal radikal bebas DPPH dan radikal kation ABTS, penghambatan enzim α-amilase, formulasi nanoemulsi dan karakterisasi nanoemulsi. Rendemen ekstrak yang dihasilkan sebesar 5,46% dengan rendemen hasil fraksinasi tertinggi pada fraksi air (FA) (34,71%) dan terendah pada fraksi n-heksana (FNH) (3,50%). Fraksi etil asetat (FEA) memiliki kandungan total fenolik (176,91 µg/mL), flavonoid (17,64 µg/mL) dan tanin terkondensasi (7,34 µg/mL), aktivitas penangkal radikal bebas DPPH (90,55%), radikal kation ABTS (99,15%), serta penghambatan enzim α-amilase (84,77%) dengan nilai tertinggi. Formulasi 1 memiliki ukuran nanoemulsi terkecil yaitu sebesar 13,58 nm dengan indeks polidispersitas sebesar 0,017. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah ekstrak dan fraksi pelepah aren memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan penghambatan enzim ????-amilase serta berpotensi sebagai nanoemulsi.

Kata kunci: Pelepah aren, antioksidan, enzim ????-amilase, nanoemulsi




How to Cite

Wulandari, A., Suryanto, E., & Aritonang, H. F. (2024). Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Penghambatan Enzim α-amilase dari Ekstrak dan Fraksi Pelepah Aren (Arenga pinnata Merr.) serta Potensinya sebagai Nanoemulsi. CHEMISTRY PROGRESS, 17(1), 20–31. https://doi.org/10.35799/cp.17.1.2024.53646


