Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser dan Brand Image Terhadap Buying Interest Produk Maybelline pada Konsumen Milenial di Manado
Celebrity Endorser, Citra Merek, Minat BeliAbstract
This research was conducted to determine the influence of Celebrity Endorsers and Brand Image on the Buying Interest of Maybelline products among Millennial consumers in Manado. The research employed a quantitative method, with data collection conducted through online questionnaires distributed to Maybelline consumers, specifically those residing in Manado. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, and the sample size was determined using the Roscoe theory formula, resulting in a total of 100 respondents. The regression analysis results indicated that Buying Interest in Maybelline products among Millennial consumers in Manado is influenced by Celebrity Endorsers and Brand Image to the extent of 67.7%, falling within the category of a strong relationship. The remaining 32.3% (100-67.7%) is explained by other variables not investigated study.
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