The Influence of Brand Image and Service Quality on Purchasing Decisions at the Ice Cream Mixue Store, Megamall Manado City Branch
Brand Image, Service Quality, Mixue Ice Cream, Purchase DecisionAbstract
This research aims to evaluate the impact of brand image and service quality on consumer purchasing decisions at Mixue ice cream store branch in Megamall, Manado City. The applied research method is quantitative, involving 100 respondents. Data analysis will include the coefficient of determination (R2), T-test, and F-test to test hypotheses. The research will also use multiple linear regression analysis, multiple correlation analysis, as well as validity tests, reliability tests, and classical assumption tests to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the obtained data. The main objective is to understand the extent to which brand image and service quality influence consumer purchasing decisions at Mixue ice cream store. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that brand image and service quality together have a significant impact on consumer purchasing decisions at Mixue ice cream store branch in Megamall, Manado City..
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