The Effect of Compensation and Work Environment on the Work Effectiveness of Employees of Bank SulutGo Sam Ratulangi Sub-Branch Manado
Compensation, work environment, and work effectiveness.Abstract
Human resource management is a field of management that specifically studies human relationships and roles in organizations, this is due to human resource management in managing the workforce within the organization so that organizational goals are realized. The research objectives to be achieved are: To determine the effect of compensation and work environment on the work effectiveness of Bank SulutGo employees, Sam Ratulangi Manado sub-branch. To determine the influence of the work environment on the work effectiveness of Bank SulutGo employees, Sam Ratulangi Manado sub-branch. To determine the influence of Compensation and Work Environment on the Work Effectiveness of Bank SulutGo employees, Sam Ratulangi Manado Sub-Branch. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. This research uses multiple regression analysis because it wants to know how the independent variable (X) can directly influence the dependent variable (Y). The results of the research show that Compensation has a significant effect on the Work Effectiveness of Employees of Bank Sulutgo Sam Ratulangi Sub Branch Manado, the Work Environment has a significant effect on the Work Effectiveness of Employees of Bank Sulutgo Sam Ratulangi Sub Branch Manado and simultaneously Compensation and Work Environment have a significant effect on the Work Effectiveness of Employees of Bank Sulutgo Sam Sub Branch Branch Ratulangi Manado.
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